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Default Provider topic destination settings

Use this panel to view or change the configuration properties of the selected JMS topic destination for use with the internal product Java Message Service (JMS) provider installed with WebSphere Application Server.

To view this Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) page, click File > Open. After you browse for an EAR file, click Open. Expand the selected JAR file > Messaging Providers > Default Provider. Right-click Topic Destinations, and click New. The following fields appear on the General tab.


The name of the topic destination entry.

Information Value
Data type String


A description of the entry.

Information Value
Data type String


The JNDI name used to match this definition to a deployment descriptor resource-env-ref name.

Information Value
Data type String

Topic Space

The name of the topic space. This field is required.

Information Value
Data type String

Topic Name

The name of the topic. This field is required.

Information Value
Data type String

Delivery Mode

The default mode for messages sent to this destination.

Information Value
Data type String
Range Application, Persistent or NonPersistent
Default Application

Time to Live

The default length of time from its dispatch time that a message sent to this destination should be retained by the system, where 0 indicates that time to live value does not expire. Value from the producer is used if not completed.

Information Value
Data type Long
Units Milliseconds


The priority for messages sent to this destination. Value from producer is used if not completed.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Range 0 to 9 with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest priority

Read Ahead

Used to control read-ahead optimization during message delivery.

Information Value
Data type String
Range AsConnection, AlwaysOn and AlwaysOff
Default AsConnection

Related tasks

  • Use application clients

    Reference topic