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Pattern matching using wsdmin.sh

Use the Jython or Jacl scripting language to implement pattern matching when installing, updating, or editing an application. Pattern matching simplifies the task of supplying required values for certain complex options by allowing you to pass in asterisk (*) to all of the required values that cannot be edited.

There are two ways to complete this task. This topic uses the AdminApp object to install enterprise applications. Alternatively, we can use the scripts in the AdminApplication script library to install, uninstall, and administer the application configurations with many options, including pattern matching.

The scripting library provides a set of procedures to automate the most common administration functions. We can run each script procedure individually, or combine several procedures to quickly develop new scripts.

Related tasks

  • Automating application configurations

  • Application installation and uninstallation scripts
  • Commands for the AdminApp object
  • Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands