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Enable dynamic cache service multi-cell and multi-core group invalidation

We can use the dynacacheJMSSIB.py script to enable dynamic cache service multi-cell and multi-core group invalidation. This script configures the external cache adapter and service integration bus infrastructure in multiple cells. The script must be executed from the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin directory for it to work correctly.

Before starting this task, wsadmin.sh must be running. See the topic on how to start wsadmin.sh for more information.

We must also ensure that :

The dynacacheJMSSIB.py script configures each cell or core group in three steps:

  1. Inbound JMS/service integration bus configuration.

    Inbound JMS/service integration bus configuration includes:

    • Create a service integration bus and configuring the service integration bus destination.

    • Create a Java Message Service (JMS).

    • Configure the JMS activation specification

    • Install the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/installables/DynacacheMessageHandler.ear message driven bean on the service integration bus cluster.

  2. Outbound JMS/service integration bus configuration.

    Outbound JMS/service integration bus configuration includes configuring the JMS queue connection factory to communicate with a remote cell.

  3. External cache group configuration.
  4. External cache group configuration includes configuring an external cache group and external cache adapter on each cluster member hosting the production applications.

Use jython, specify --help and the appropriate --setup=xxx option to display the available parameters for each command:

To delete an inbound, outbound, or ECA configuration, add --delete to the command used to create the respective configuration artifacts.

Example 1: Multiple cells

This example shows how the script is used to configure two cells, Cell1 and Cell2, where both cells host the same application,ApplicationA.

ProductionCluster1 (hosts ApplicationA)
  node1/sib1 (service integration bus member)
  node1b/sib2 (service integration bus member)
   hostname=host11.com      ReplicationDomain (contains ProductionCluster1 members and SIBCluster1    members)
 Service Integration Bus Data Source1
  JNDI name = jdbc/SIBCluster1DataSource
ProductionCluster2 (hosts ApplicationA)
  node2/sib1 (service integration bus member)
  nodesb/sib2 (service integration bus member)
   hostname=host22.com      ReplicationDomain (contains ProductionCluster2 members and SIBCluster2    members)
 Service Integration Bus Data Source2
  JNDI name = jdbc/SIBCluster2DataSource 

Complete the following steps to enable dynamic cache service cell invalidation support for Cell1 and Cell2.

  1. Issue the following command to configure inbound JMS/service integration bus for Cell1:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py  --setup=dynacacheInSIB --cluster=SIBCluster1

  2. Issue the following command to configure inbound JMS/service integration bus for Cell2:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py  --setup=dynacacheInSIB --cluster=SIBCluster2

  3. Issue the following command to configure outbound JMS/service integration bus for Cell1:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheOutSIB --remoteCellSIBServers=host2.com:8888,host22.com:8889 --remoteCellID=Cell2

  4. Issue the following command to configure outbound JMS/service integration bus for Cell2:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheOutSIB --remoteCellSIBServers=host1.com:7777,host11.com:7776 --remoteCellID=Cell1

  5. Issue the following command to configure external cache group/adapters for Cell1:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheECA --cluster=ProductionCluster1 --remoteCellID=Cell2

  6. Issue the following command to configure external cache group/adapters for Cell2:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheECA --cluster=ProductionCluster2 --remoteCellID=Cell1

This example shows how the script is used to configure a single cell containing multiple core groups. The core groups host the same application (ApplicationA).

 ProductionCluster1 (hosts ApplicationA)
  node1/sib1 (service integration bus member)
  node1b/sib2 (service integration bus member)
   hostname=host11.com      ReplicationDomain (contains ProductionCluster1 members and SIBCluster1    members)
 Service Integration Bus Data Source1
  JNDI name = jdbc/SIBCluster1DataSource

CoreGroup2 in Cell2 is also hosting ApplicationA and has the following topology:

 ProductionCluster2 (hosts ApplicationA)
  node2/sib1 (service integration bus member)
  nodesb/sib2 (service integration bus member)
   hostname=host22.com      ReplicationDomain (contains ProductionCluster2 members and SIBCluster2    members)
 Service Integration Bus Data Source2
  JNDI name = jdbc/SIBCluster2DataSource 

Complete the following steps to enable dynamic cache service core group invalidation support for CoreGroup1 and CoreGroup2.

  1. Issue the following command to configure inbound JMS/service integration bus for CoreGroup1:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheInSIB --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup1 --cluster=SIBCluster1 --datasourceJNDI=jdbc/SIBCluster1DataSource

  2. Issue the following command to configure inbound JMS/service integration bus for CoreGroup2:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheInSIB --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup2 --cluster=SIBCluster2 --datasourceJNDI=jdbc/SIBCluster2DataSource

  3. Issue the following command to configure outbound JMS/service integration bus for CoreGroup1:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheOutSIB --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup1 --remoteCellSIBServers=host2.com:8888,host22.com:8889 --remoteCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup2

  4. Issue the following command to configure outbound JMS/service integration bus for Coregroup2:

      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py --setup=dynacacheOutSIB --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup2 --remoteCellSIBServers=host1.com:7777,host11.com:7776 --remoteCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup1

  5. Configure external cache group/adapters for CoreGroup1:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py  --setup=dynacacheECA --cluster=ProductionCluster1 --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup1

  6. Issue the following command to configure external cache group/adapters for CoreGroup2:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f ../../../util/dynacacheJMSSIB.py  --setup=dynacacheECA --cluster=ProductionCluster2 --localCellID=Cell1/CoreGroup2

Related concepts

  • Dynamic cache service multi-cell and multi-core group invalidation

    Related tasks

  • Start the wsadmin scripting client

  • JVM custom properties