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Listing the modules in an installed application

Use the AdminApp object listModules command to list the modules in an installed application.

We can run the listModules command to see what modules are in an installed application.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.

  2. Display the application modules.


      $AdminApp listModules DefaultApplication -server

    Using Jython:

      print AdminApp.listModules('DefaultApplication', '-server')

    Element Description
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    print is a Jython command
    AdminApp is an object that supports application object management
    listmodules is an AdminApp command
    DefaultApplication is the name of the application
    -server is an optional option specified

    Example output:



The following example lists all of the modules on all of the enterprise applications that are installed on the server1 server in a node named node1.

An asterisk (*) means that the module is installed on server1 and node1 and another server or node. A plus sign (+) means that the module is installed on server1 and node1 only.

 1  #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2  # setting up variables to keep server name and node name         3  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       4  set  serverName  server1
       5  set  nodeName  node1
       6  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       7  # setting up 2 global lists to keep the modules        8  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       9  set  ejbList {}
      10 set webList {}
12 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 # gets all deployment objects and assigned it to deployments variable 14 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 set deployments [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:/]
17 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 # lines 22 thru 148 Iterates through all the deployment objects to get the modules 19 # and perform filtering to list application that has at least one module installed 20 # in server1 in node myNode
21 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 foreach deployment $deployments {
24     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25     # reset the lists that hold modules for each application 26     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27     set webList {}
28     set ejbList {}
30     #------------------------------------------
31     # get the application name 32     #------------------------------------------
33     set appName [lindex [split $deployment (] 0]
35     #------------------------------------------           36     # get the deployedObjects
37     #------------------------------------------
38     set depObject [$AdminConfig showAttribute $deployment deployedObject]
40     #--------------------------------------------     41     # get all modules in the application 42     #---------------------------------------------
43     set modules [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $depObject modules] 0]  44
45     #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46     # initialize lists to save all the modules in the appropriate list to where they belong 47     #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48     set modServerMatch {}   49     set modServerMoreMatch {}
50     set modServerNotMatch {}
52         #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53         # lines 55 to 112 iterate through all modules to get the targetMappings
54         #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55         foreach module $modules {
56             #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57             # setting up some flag to do some filtering and get modules for server1 on node1
58             #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59             set sameNodeSameServer "false"
60            set diffNodeSameServer "false"
61             set sameNodeDiffServer "false"
62             set diffNodeDiffServer "false"
64             #--------------------------------------------
65             # get the targetMappings
66             #--------------------------------------------
67             set targetMaps [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module targetMappings] 0]
69             #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70            # lines 72 to 111 iterate through all targetMappings to get the target 71             #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72             foreach targetMap $targetMaps {  73                 #------------------------------
74                # get the target 75                 #------------------------------
76                 set target [$AdminConfig showAttribute $targetMap target]
78                 #--------------------------------------------------
79                 # do filtering to skip ClusteredTargets   80                 #--------------------------------------------------
81                 set targetName [lindex [split $target #] 1]
82                if {[regexp "ClusteredTarget" $targetName] != 1} {  83                     set sName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $target name]
84                     set nName [$AdminConfig showAttribute $target nodeName]
85               86                     #----------------------------------------------
87                     # do the server name match
88                     #----------------------------------------------
89                     if {$sName == $serverName} {
90                       if {$nName == $nodeName} {
91                 set sameNodeSameServer "true"
92                         } else {
93                 set diffNodeSameServer "true"
94                         }
95                    } else {
96                          #---------------------------------------  97                          # do the node name match
98                          #---------------------------------------
99                          if {$nName == $nodeName} {
100                 set sameNodeDiffServer "true"
101                        } else {
102                            set diffNodeDiffServer "true"
103                        }
104                  }
105  106                  if {$sameNodeSameServer == "true"} {
107                      if {$sameNodeDiffServer == "true" || $diffNodeDiffServer == "true" ||                 $diffNodeSameServer == "true"} {
108                          break
109                      }
110                 }
111            }
112      }
114      #---------------------------------------------
115      # put it in the appropriate list 116      #---------------------------------------------    117      if {$sameNodeSameServer == "true"} {
118          if {$diffNodeDiffServer == "true" || $diffNodeSameServer == "true" ||        $sameNodeDiffServer == "true"} {
119               set modServerMoreMatch [linsert $modServerMoreMatch end         [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]]
120           } else {
121               set modServerMatch [linsert $modServerMatch end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]]
122          }       123     } else {
124          set modServerNotMatch [linsert $modServerNotMatch end [$AdminConfig showAttribute $module uri]]
125     }
126  }   127
129  #----------------------------------------------------------------
130  # print the output with some notation as a mark
131  #----------------------------------------------------------------
132  if {$modServerMatch != {} || $modServerMoreMatch != {}} {
133      puts stdout "\tApplication name: $appName"
      134  }
      136  #---------------------------------------------------------
      137  # do grouping to appropriate module and print
      138  #---------------------------------------------------------
      139  if {$modServerMatch != {}} {
      140      filterAndPrint $modServerMatch "+"
      141  }
      142  if {$modServerMoreMatch != {}} {
      143      filterAndPrint $modServerMoreMatch "*"
      144  }
      145  if {($modServerMatch != {} || $modServerMoreMatch != {}) "" $modServerNotMatch != {}} {
      146      filterAndPrint $modServerNotMatch ""
      147  }
      150          151  proc filterAndPrint {lists flag} {
      152     global webList
      153     global ejbList
      154     set webExists "false"
      155     set ejbExists "false"
      157     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      158     # If list already exists, flag it so as not to print the title more then once
      159     # and reset the list       160     #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      161     if {$webList != {}} {
      162         set webExists "true"
      163         set webList {}
      164     }          165     if {$ejbList != {}} {
      166         set ejbExists "true"
      167         set ejbList {}
      168     }
      170     #------------------------------------------------------------------
      171     # do some filtering for web modules and ejb modules       172     #------------------------------------------------------------------
      173     foreach list $lists {
      174          set temp [lindex [split $list .] 1]
      175          if {$temp == "war"} {
      176               set webList [linsert $webList end $list]
      177          } elseif {$temp == "jar"} {
      178               set ejbList [linsert $ejbList end $list]
      179          }
      180     }
      182     #---------------------------------------
      183     # sort the list before printing
      184     #---------------------------------------
      185     set webList [lsort -dictionary $webList]
      186     set ejbList [lsort -dictionary $ejbList]
      188     #----------------------------------------------------------------
      189     # print out all the web modules installed in server1
      190     #----------------------------------------------------------------
      191     if {$webList != {}} {
      192         if {$webExists == "false"} {
      193              puts stdout "\t\tWeb Modules:"
      194         }
      195         foreach web $webList {
      196             puts stdout "\t\t\t$web  $flag"
      197         }
      198     }
      200     #--------------------------------------------------------------
      201     # print out all the ejb modules installed in server1
      202     #--------------------------------------------------------------
      203     if {$ejbList != {}} {
      204          if {$ejbExists == "false"} {
      205                puts stdout "\t\tEJB Modules:"
      206          }
      207          foreach ejb $ejbList {
      208                puts stdout "\t\t\t$ejb  $flag"
      209          }
      210     }
       Example output for server1 on node node1:
       Application name: TEST1
                EJB Modules:
                        deplmtest.jar  +
                Web Modules:
                        mtcomps.war  *
        Application name: TEST2
                Web Modules:
                        mtcomps.war  +
                EJB Modules:
                        deplmtest.jar  +
        Application name: TEST3
                Web Modules:
                        mtcomps.war  *
                EJB Modules:
                        deplmtest.jar  *
        Application name: TEST4
                EJB Modules:
                        deplmtest.jar  *
                Web Modules:


  • Commands for the AdminApp object