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Configure new J2C resource adapters

Use the wsadmin scripting tool to configure Java 2 Connector resource adapters with Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) files. A RAR file provides the classes and other code to support a resource adapter for access to a specific enterprise information system (EIS), such as the Customer Information Control System (CICS ). Configure resource adapters for an EIS only after you install the appropriate RAR file.

A RAR file, which is often called a Java Connector Architecture (JCA) connector, must comply with the JCA 1.5 and 1.6 Specification. For resource adapters to support JCA Version 1.6, there is added support for Java annotations in RAR modules. For more information on annotation support and metadata, see the topic, JCA 1.6 support for annotations in RAR modules.

Meet these requirements by using a supported assembly tool (as described in the Assembly tools article) to assemble a collection of JAR files, other runnable components, utility classes, and so on, into a deployable RAR file. Then you are ready to install the RAR file in Application Server.

There are two ways to complete this task. This topic uses the AdminConfig object to install resource adapters. Alternatively, we can use the installJ2CResourceAdapter script in the AdminJ2C script library to install a J2C resource adapter in our configuration:

The scripting library provides a set of procedures to automate the most common administration functions. We can run each script procedure individually, or combine several procedures to quickly develop new scripts.

  1. Launch the wsadmin script. See the topic Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.

  2. Identify the configuration ID of the node to which the resource adapter is installed, as the following examples demonstrate:

    • Jacl:

        set node [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/]

    • Jython:

      node = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/')
      print node 

    Example output:


  3. Identify the optional attributes.

    The J2CResourceAdapter object does not require specific arguments. Use the following command to display the optional attributes for the J2CResourceAdapter object:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig defaults J2CResourceAdapter

    • Jython:

        print AdminConfig.defaults('J2CResourceAdapter')

    The following displays the command output that displays each optional attribute and the data type for the attribute, and denotes the default attributes:

    Attribute                       Type                            Default name                            String
    description                     String
    classpath                       String
    nativepath                      String
    providerType                    String
    isolatedClassLoader             boolean                         false archivePath                     String
    threadPoolAlias                String                          Default singleton                       boolean                         false hACapability                    ENUM                            RA_NO_HA
    isEnableHASupport               boolean                         false propertySet                     J2EEResourcePropertySet
    jaasLoginConfiguration          JAASConfigurationEntry
    deploymentDescriptor           Connector
    connectionDefTemplateProps      ConnectionDefTemplateProps
    activationSpecTemplateProps     ActivationSpecTemplateProps
    j2cAdminObjects                 J2CAdminObject
    adminObjectTemplateProps        AdminObjectTemplateProps
    j2cActivationSpec               J2CActivationSpec
    properties                     Property

  4. Set up the attributes of interest.

    Determine the attributes to configure for the J2C resource adapter. In the following examples, the commands set the RAR file path to the rarFile variable and the name and description configuration options to the option variable:

    • Jacl:


      set rarFile c:/currentScript/cicseci.rar
      set option  {-rar.name  RAR1 -rar.desc "New resource adapter"} 
      set rarFile /currentScript/cicseci.rar
      set option {-rar.name  RAR1 -rar.desc "New resource adapter"}

    • Jython:


      rarFile = 'c:/currentScript/cicseci.rar'
      option  = '[-rar.name  RAR1 -rar.desc "New resource adapter"]'
      rarFile = '/currentScript/cicseci.rar'
      option  = '[-rar.name  RAR1 -rar.desc "New resource adapter"]'

  5. Create a resource adapter.

    Use the installResourceAdapter command for the AdminConfig object to install the resource adapter with the previously set configuration options, as the following examples demonstrate:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig installResourceAdapter $rarFile mynode $option

    • Jython:

        AdminConfig.installResourceAdapter(rarFile, 'mynode', option)

    Example output:


  6. Save the configuration changes. See the topic Saving configuration changes with wsadmin.sh for more information.

  7. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node. See the topic Synchronizing nodes with wsadmin.sh for more information.

Related concepts

  • Relational resource adapters and JCA
  • JCA 1.6 support for annotations in RAR modules

    Related tasks

  • Install a resource adapter archive
  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminConfig object for scripted administration
  • Synchronize nodes using wsdmin.sh
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Saving configuration changes with wsadmin.sh

  • J2C configuration scripts
  • Commands for the AdminConfig object