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Enable the reusable ASID function

If we are running the product on z/OS Version 1.9 or higher, we can use the updateZOSStartArgs script provided with the product to control for which of the servers, z/OS can reuse address space identifiers (ASIDs) associated with controllers.

As stated in the z/OS Version 1.9 publication Communications Server IP Configuration Guide, SC31-8775-11, the TCP/IP address space provides cross-process routines, such as PC-entered services, that must be accessible to all address spaces. This requirement means that the Address Space Identifier (ASID) that is associated with the TCP/IP address space is not reusable when the address space is stopped or restarted. If the TCP/IP address space is terminated enough times, all available ASIDs might be exhausted, preventing the creation of a new address space on the system. If this situation occurs, stop z/OS and re-IPL.

z/OS Version 1.9 and higher includes a reusable ASID function that enables us to permit the use of all ASIDs, including those associated with cross-process services. If we run z/OS with this function enabled, we can run the updateZOSStartArgs script to enable or disable this function for a particular server, a particular node, or for all of the servers. For more information, see the conceptual information about the reusable address space.

Avoid trouble:



After you run this script, the function remains enabled for the affected servers until you run the script to explicitly disable it.

If we enable this function in PARMLIB member DIAGxx for all of the servers, the function is automatically enabled for any new server that we create.

The REUSASID parameter is automatically set to YES for any new servers that we create. You do not need to rerun the updateZOSStartArgs script on newly created servers unless to disable the reuse ASID capability.


Related tasks

  • Start the wsadmin scripting client