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Work with the service integration bus member properties files

Use properties files to add and remove service integration bus member objects. Service integration is the default Java Message Service (JMS) messaging provider for the product.

Determine the property values to set for the service integration bus member configuration.

Start the wsadmin scripting tool. To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run the wsadmin -lang Jython command from the bin directory of the server profile.

Using a properties file add a member to a service integration object or remove a member from a service integration object.

for the service integration member properties files. You
Action Procedure
create Specify commandName=addSIBusMember in the properties file. Run the applyConfigProperties command.
modify Not applicable
delete Specify commandName=removeSIBusMember in the properties file. Run the applyConfigProperties command.
create Property Not applicable
delete Property Not applicable

  1. Add or remove a service integration bus member object.

    • Add a member to a service integration object.

      Open an editor, specify commandName=addSIBusMember in the header, specify the service integration bus member properties, and save the file.

      We can copy the following service integration bus member configuration to the properties file and edit the properties as needed. Set values for a server and either a cluster or node.

      # Header
      minPermanentStoreSize=null #java.lang.Long
      trustUserIds=null #Boolean
      maxTemporaryStoreSize=null #java.lang.Long
      host=null #String
      createTables=null #Boolean
      enableAssistance=null #Boolean
      temporaryStoreDirectory=null #String
      securityAuthAlias=null #String
      maxHeapSize=null #Integer
      datasourceJndiName=null #String
      bus=myBus #String, required
      schemaName=null #String
      dataStore=null #String
      unlimitedPermanentStoreSize=null #Boolean
      policyName=null #String
      preferredServersOnly=null #Boolean
      logSize=null #java.lang.Long
      failback=null #Boolean
      minTemporaryStoreSize=null #java.lang.Long
      cluster=null #String
      node=myNode #String
      failover=null #Boolean
      permanentStoreDirectory=null #String
      maxPermanentStoreSize=null #java.lang.Long
      server=myServer #String
      wmqServer=null #String
      channel=null #String
      port=null #Integer
      virtualQueueManagerName=null #String
      unlimitedTemporaryStoreSize=null #Boolean
      logDirectory=null #String
      fileStore=null #String
      initialHeapSize=null #Integer
      transportChain=null #String
      authAlias=null #String
      createDefaultDatasource=null #Boolean
      restrictLongDBLock=null #Boolean

    • Remove a member from the service integration object.

      Open an editor, specify commandName=removeSIBusMember in the header, specify the bus, server, node, and cluster properties, and then save the file.

      # Header  #
      cluster=null #String
      bus=myBus #String, required
      node=myNode #String
      server=myServer #String

  2. Run the applyConfigProperties command to add or remove the service integration bus member.

    Running the applyConfigProperties command applies the properties file to the configuration. In this Jython example, the optional -reportFileName parameter produces a report named report.txt:

      AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName mySIBusMember.props -reportFileName report.txt '])

    Optionally, we can use the command in interactive mode:



Use the properties file to configure and manage the service integration bus member.

What to do next

Save the changes to the configuration.

Related tasks

  • Extracting properties files
  • Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
  • Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files

  • PropertiesBasedConfiguration (AdminTask)