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Add time stamp [Settings]

When add time stamp is specified for a consumer, a time stamp is added indicating when the message was consumed. For a generator, a time stamp is added indicating when the message was generated.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

  • Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security configurations -> v1-outbound-config_name -> [Response consumer] Add timestamp.

    Configuration tab

    The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

    General Properties


    If selected, a time stamp will be added to the message.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Boolean


    The expression dialect to use.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list


    Identifies the message part in a way defined by the chosen dialect.

    When the http://www.ibm.com/websphere/webservices/wssecurity/dialect-was dialect value is selected, the following are valid keyword values:


    Specifies the wsa:Action element.


    SOAP body element.


    Key information element, which is used for digital signature.


    Ds:KeyInfo element, which is used for encryption.


    Specifies the wsa:MessageID element.


    Specifies the wsa:RelatesTo element.


    Specifies any security token elements, for example the wsse:BinarySecurityToken element.


    Specifies the wsu:Timestamp element. This element determines whether the message is valid based upon the time that the message is sent and then received.


    Specifies the wsa:To element.

    When the http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-1999116 dialect value is selected, then the keyword value can be any valid XPath expression that points to a part of the message. For example:

    /*[namespace-uri()='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' and local-name()='Envelope']
    /*[namespace-uri()='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' and local-name()='Body']

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type String


    The expiration time of the time stamp, defined as an xsd:Duration type.

    The expires value is defined as a type of xsd:Duration, and the format must match the following regular expression:


    For example, to specify a timestamp expiration of three minutes, enter PT3M.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type String

    Additional Properties


    Properties associated with the added time stamp.

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic