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Extracting properties files to troubleshoot the environment

Use this topic to create a properties file that displays configuration information for a node, application server, application, or other resource. We can use this file to troubleshoot a problem in the environment.

To debug problems in the environment, we can use wsadmin.sh to create a properties file to review the configuration. The properties file includes the most commonly used attributes or configuration data and values for the resource of interest. We can create a properties file for any of the following resources:

Use properties files to troubleshoot the configuration. If we cannot resolve the error, we can provide IBM Support with a copy of the properties file.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.

  2. Extract the application server configuration of interest.

    descriptions. Run the extractConfigProperties command
    Parameter Description
    -propertiesFileName Name of the properties file to extract. (String, required)
    -configData Configuration object instance in the format Node=node1. Required if we do not specify the configuration object name as the target object. (String, optional)
    -options Specifies additional configuration options, such as GENERATETEMPLATE=true. (Properties, optional)
    -filterMechanism Specifies filter information for extracting configuration properties. Specify All to extract all configuration properties. Specify NO_SUBTYPES to exclude properties specified with the selectedSubTypes parameter. Specify SELECTED_SUBTYPES to extract specific configuration properties specified with the selectedSubTypes parameter. (String, optional)
    -selectedSubTypes Configuration properties to include or exclude when the command extracts the properties. Specify this parameter if set the filterMechanism parameter to NO_SUBTYPES or SELECTED_SUBTYPES. The following strings are examples of sever subtypes: ApplicationServer, EJBContainer. (String, optional)

    The following example extracts the properties configuration in the ConfigProperties_server1.props file for the server1 application server:

      AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName ConfigProperties_server1.props -configData Server=server1')

    The system extracts the properties file, which contains each of the configuration objects and attributes for the server1 application server.

    We can also use the extractConfigProperties command to extract a specific object configuration from a deployment manager, as the following Jython example displays:

      AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName ConfigProperties_server1.props -configData Server=dmgr')

    The system extracts the properties file, which contains each of the configuration objects and attributes for the dmgr deployment manager.


The system creates a properties file based on the resource configuration of interest.

Related tasks

  • Extracting properties files
  • Apply properties files
  • Validating properties files
  • Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
  • Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
  • Manage environment configurations with properties files
  • Create and delete configuration objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
  • Troubleshooting

  • PropertiesBasedConfiguration (AdminTask)
  • How do I troubleshoot?