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Create and manage reports

With reports, we can view the performance of the virtualized environment. We can view statistics on availability, response time, traffic, throughput.

Reports are charts that show runtime data. We can use this data to monitor the environment, and take correctional actions when necessary.

We can view reports which display live data, or we can use charts displaying historic data logged over a period of days, weeks, months, years. To use historic charting, configure and enable the visualization data service. For more information, read about configuring the visualization data service. For historic charting, use the sliding bar to adjust the percentage of time to view. We can focus on a specific time interval and include more data in the chart.

Avoid trouble: To observe historic data over a long period of time, increase the maximum heap size of the deployment manager. The default maximum heap size is 256 MB. To increase the performance, and to prevent heap dumps, go to System administration > Deployment manager > Java and process management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine and set the maximum heap size to a higher value, for example 2048 MB. gotcha

  1. Open the Reports tab. In the administrative console, we can access the Reports tab from:

    • Runtime operations > Reports

    • Servers > All servers > server_name > Reports

      Restriction: The Reports tab is not available for on demand router (ODR) servers.

    • Servers > Clusters > Dynamic clusters > dynamic_cluster_name > Reports

    • Servers > WebSphere Application server clusters > cluster_name > Reports

    • Applications > All application > application_name > Reports

    • Operational policies > Service policies > service_policy_name > Reports


  2. Act on operational alerts. Operational alerts display the status of resources in the environment. The name of the specific resource is highlighted. Go to the configuration panel or view the chart for that resource to take corrective actions.

  3. Configure report and chart preferences. Expand Reports preferences. The preferences are global and apply to any new charts we create. However, the preference change does not apply to existing charts. To change the preferences for an existing chart, click Preferences on the chart.

  4. Add a chart. Click Open a new chart tab. A new tab opens with a blank chart. Click Add data... to specify the data set and metrics to monitor. If we accessed the Reports tab through the Runtime operations > Reports panel, we can specify the scope of the chart. Click Change scope...

  5. Create, access, and remove chart groups. Chart groups are global and can be accessed from any Reports tab.

    • Create: If we have a specific set of charts in the tabs to save, then type a name in Save current group of chart tabs configuration as a chart group, and click Save.

    • Access: To access the chart group from any reports panel later, go to Saved chart groups, and click the name of the chart group.

      We can also open a chart in a new window, so that we can continue doing other tasks in the administrative console while still monitoring the chart. Click View chart in new window. To return the chart from the new window to the chart group, click View chart in chart group.

    • Remove: To remove a chart group, select the chart group from Saved chart groups, and click Remove chart group.

What to do next

If the operational alerts are taking a long time to load, we can configure custom properties to change how the alerts are loaded while the cache initializes.

We can configure custom properties to specify the maximum number of data sets to display, or to limit what cell information is displayed.

Related concepts

  • Runtime operations overview
  • Task management

    Related tasks

  • Set up Intelligent Management for dynamic operations
  • Monitor Intelligent Management operations
  • Configure the visualization data service

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    Related information:

  • Intelligent Management: operational alerts custom properties
  • Intelligent Management: runtime operations custom properties