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Configure the multi-cluster routing policy

To configure the on demand router (ODR) to route requests to a generic server cluster, configure a multi-cluster routing policy (MCRP) on each ODR. This allows the ODRs in one cell to send requests to a remote cell if no application servers are available in the local cell.

Configure a multi-cluster routing policy (MCRP) on each ODR, in all cells, in order to configure the on demand router (ODR) to route requests to a generic server cluster. To configure all ODRs in each cell...

  1. Click Servers > Server types > On demand routers > ODR_name > On demand router properties > On demand router settings > Custom properties > New. $<applicationName> is optional. If not specified, this rule applies to all traffic sent to this ODR. If specified, it only applies to traffic destined for the application with the name <applicationName>.

  2. For the property name, type MCRP@<thisCellName>$<applicationName>.

  3. For the property value, type failover@<thisCellName>$<PrimaryDynamicCluster>,<thisCellName>$<GSCName>. This tells the ODR to first attempt to send traffic matching the multicluster routing policy rule (based on the application name specified in step 2, if any) to the local dynamic cluster of application servers within the cell. If none of the local application servers are available, the request fails over to the specified generic server cluster (the generic cluster members in the other cell, which then route the traffic to the application servers within the cell).

Related concepts

  • Overview of request flow prioritization

    Related tasks

  • Use generic server clusters with cell affinity
  • Enable cell affinity
  • Configure the on demand router for multi-cluster failover and load balancing routing
  • Create ODRs

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    Proxy server settings