Canceling an application validation

You can cancel validation of an edition and return the application edition to inactive state. We must have an application installed and in the validate state. By canceling an application in validation mode, the application returns to the inactive state. The deployment target for the edition is reset to its original deployment target. When you cancel an application in validation mode, the validation target is deleted.

To cancel an application in validation mode, from WAS console...

  1. Select...

      Applications | Edition control center | application_name | application | Cancel validation

    View the cancel validation status page to view each step of canceling the validation. During the validation cancellation, the following actions occur:

    • The application is set to the inactive state.

    • The validation cleanup process is performed

    • The validation target is deleted. If the validation target is a dynamic cluster, you can prevent it from being deleted by setting the saveClonedCluster custom property on dynamic cluster.

    The edition control center shows that edition is now in the inactive state, and the manage editions page shows that the deployment target for the edition is restored to its original deployment target. The dynamic cluster page shows that the validation dynamic cluster no longer exists, and the servers page shows the cloned servers no longer exist.

    Remember: The validation deployment target is deleted unless other applications are still deployed on the validation deployment target.

  2. Verify that the cancelation of validation occurred correctly.

      Applications | Enterprise applications or Applications | All applications

    Edit your edition 2.0 application.

    • For PHP and WebSphere Application Server Community Edition applications:

      Verify that the context root, deployment targets, and so on are restored to the original cluster.

    • For Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications:

      Select Manage modules. Verify that edition 2.0 is mapped to the original cluster. From the Map Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) references to beans detail view, verify that the Java Naming and Directory Interface name is adjusted for the original target name.

  3. Delete the routing rules that are set up to direct requests to the edition in the validation state.

      Applications | All applications | application_name | Routing policies

    Save and synchronize the nodes.


The application edition is inactive and is restored back to its original deployment target.

Related tasks:
Validating an edition
Intelligent Management: application edition management administrative tasks
Intelligent Management: application edition manager custom properties


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