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Configure UDDI registry security

The UDDI Version 3 registry uses the advantages of WAS security. The UDDI registry also supports the UDDI Version 3 Security API and the UDDI Version 1 and Version 2 security features.

For production use, it is advisable to configure the UDDI Version 3 registry to use WAS security. However, it is possible to configure the UDDI registry to use the UDDI security features if this is a requirement.

We can configure the UDDI registry to use the UDDI Version 3 security API or the UDDI Version 1 and Version 2 publish security features. For production use, we can configure the UDDI registry to use the UDDI security features with WAS security enabled. For test use, we can configure the UDDI registry to use the UDDI security features with WAS security disabled. Do not configure the UDDI registry to use the UDDI security features with WAS security disabled for production use.

To configure UDDI registry security...

  1. Use one of the following procedures, depending on the type of configuration to set up:

  2. Review the UDDI registry security and UDDI registry settings.


  • Security API for the UDDI Version 3 registry