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Create a DB2 for z/OS database for the UDDI registry

Complete this task to use DB2 for z/OS as the database store for the UDDI registry data.

(dist) To connect from a machine that runs a distributed operating system to a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system, you must have DB2 Version 8.2 or later. We must also have a DB2 Connectâ„¢ license (see the DB2 documentation for more information).

To create a remote database, refer first to the database product documentation about the relevant capabilities of the product.

You complete this task only once for each UDDI registry, as part of setting up and deploying a UDDI registry.

There are some known restrictions with DB2 for zSeries Version 7:

  1. Copy the createddl.sh script supplied in app_server_root/UDDIReg/rexx to a temporary directory of the choice.

  2. Use the UNIX System Services (USS) command prompt, edit the copy of the createddl.sh script, as follows:

    1. Search for the text Define some constants.

    2. If WAS is not installed in the default location, update the root_dir constant to reflect the location. The UDDIReg directory must remain at the end of the path.

    3. If we do not want to use the default temporary directory, update the temp_dir constant to specify the temporary directory that you require.

  3. Use the USS command prompt, run the copy of the createddl.sh script by entering the following command:

      createddl.sh database_name tablespace_name hlq

    The parameters are as follows:


    The name used when defining the required DB2 tables and other components. The default is UDDI30.


    The tablespace in which the database tables are defined. The default is UDDI30TS.


    The high-level qualifier under which the SQL and Job Control Language (JCL) partitioned data sets (PDS) are created. The default is IBMUSER.

    The script generates the hlq.UDDI.SQL and hlq.UDDI.JCL partitioned data sets, which contain members required for subsequent steps. If the script runs successfully using the default parameters, the result is the following output:

    database.tablespace = UDDI30.UDDI30TS
     (  14) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_10_prereq_db2.sql
     ( 436) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_20_tables_generic.sql
     ( 136) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_25_tables_db2udb.sql
     ( 452) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_30_constraints_generic.sql
     (  14) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_35_constraints_db2udb.sql
     ( 559) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_40_views_generic.sql
     (  94) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_45_views_db2udb.sql
     ( 329) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_50_triggers_db2udb.sql
     (  16) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_60_insert_initial_static_
     (  39) /WebSphere/V8R0M0/AppServer/UDDIReg/databaseScripts/uddi30crt_70_insert_default_database_
     Conversion complete  /tmp/udditmp/makedb71.jcl     ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.JCL(MAKEDB71)
     /tmp/udditmp/makedb81.jcl     ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.JCL(MAKEDB81)
     /tmp/udditmp/table.sql        ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(TABLE)
     /tmp/udditmp/table7.sql       ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(TABLE7)
     /tmp/udditmp/index.sql        ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(INDEX)
     /tmp/udditmp/view.sql         ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(VIEW)
     /tmp/udditmp/trigger.sql      ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(TRIGGER)
     /tmp/udditmp/alter.sql        ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(ALTER)
     /tmp/udditmp/initial.sql      ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(INITIAL)
     /tmp/udditmp/insert.sql       ===> IBMUSER.UDDI.SQL(INSERT)

  4. Modify the template in the appropriate MAKEDB member according to the DB2 setup and whether we want a default or a customized UDDI node. There are two sample jobs in the JCL library for creating a DB2 database; one for DB2 version 7 and one for DB2 version 8. The JCL scripts for these jobs are in the members MAKEDB71 and MAKEDB81 respectively, in the hlq.UDDI.JCL partitioned data set. These JCL scripts are the templates we can modify.

    • We can add or modify the JOB accounting information, if required.

    • If we used a different high level qualifier from the default when you ran the script in the previous step, ensure that all occurrences of IBMUSER are changed to the qualifier that specified.

    • If we do not want the database to be used as a default UDDI node, comment out the line of the job that specifies the INSERT member of the SQL PDS; this line is usually the last line in the job.

    • Ensure that all occurrences of the LIB parameter correctly reflect the directory into which you installed DB2.

  5. Use Time Sharing Option (TSO) to submit the job that you modified in the previous step. The job creates the DB2 database.

What to do next

Continue with setting up and deploying the UDDI registry node.

Related tasks

  • Set up a default UDDI node
  • UDDI registry client programming