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Create a DB2 for i database for the UDDI registry

Complete this task to use DB2 for i as the database store for the UDDI registry data.

The default names of the UDDI registry schema in the SQL scripts listed in the following topic are IBMUDI30 and IBMUDS30. These names are the recommended values and are assumed throughout the UDDI information. To use different names, modify the SQL files listed, then substitute the new names when IBMUDI30 and IBMUDS30 are used in the information center.

You complete this task only once for each UDDI registry, as part of setting up and deploying a UDDI registry.

  1. Use IBM Navigator for i to run SQL scripts.

    1. Open IBM Navigator for i.

    2. Expand My Connections > iSeriesName > Databases.

    3. Select iSeriesName.

    4. Right-click Run SQL Scripts....
    A Run SQL Scripts window opens.

  2. Open the IBM i DB2 SQL files.

    1. Map a network drive to the root directory of the IBM i server integrated file system.

    2. In Windows Explorer, expand the WAS_HOME/UDDIReg/databaseScripts directory.

    3. Open the following SQL files with a text editor (for example, Windows Notepad):

      • uddi30crt_10_prereq_db2_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_20_tables_generic_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_25_tables_db2udb_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_30_constraints_generic_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_35_constraints_db2udb_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_40_views_generic_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_45_views_db2udb_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_50_triggers_db2udb_iSeries.sql

      • uddi30crt_60_insert_initial_static_data_iSeries.sql

  3. Copy the text to the Run SQL Scripts window.

    1. In the text editor of the file uddi30crt_10_prereq_db2_iSeries.sql, click Edit > Select All.

    2. Click Edit > Copy.

    3. In the Run SQL Scripts window, click Edit > Paste.

    4. Click Run > All.

    5. After the script completes running, select all the SQL text and delete it from the Run SQL Scripts window.

    6. Repeat the previous steps for all the SQL scripts listed in step 2.

  4. Optional: To use the database as a default UDDI node...

    1. Open uddi30crt_70_insert_default_database_indicator.sql as described in step 2.

    2. Copy and run uddi30crt_70_insert_default_database_indicator.sql as described in step 3.

What to do next

Continue to set up and deploy the UDDI registry node.

Related tasks

  • Set up a default UDDI node