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Manually setting up the property extension repository for DB2 for iSeries or DB2 for z/OS

Use this task to set up the property extension repository for DB2 for iSeries or DB2 for z/OS .

The information in this topic applies in the following scenarios:

If we do not have WAS installed in the system on which we are setting up the database, copy the following files from a system where WAS is installed to the system on which we are setting up the database:

DB2 for iSeries


DB2 for z/OS


For information about how to create a database and run SQL queries in DB2 for iSeries, see the DB2 Universal Databaseā„¢ for iSeries in the IBM iSeries Information Center.

For information about how to create a database and run SQL queries in DB2 for z/OS, see the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center.

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Change to the app_server_root/bin directory

  3. Enter the following commands to replace the variables in the SQL files:

    1. export SCHEMA_LOCATION=app_server_root/etc/wim/setup/lookaside

      Set the SCHEMA_LOCATION value to the location where you copied the SQL files if we do not have WAS installed on the same system on which we are setting up the database.

    2. export DBTYPE=<db_type>

      where the value of <db_type> is db2iseries or db2zos

    3. To specify the database schema where to create the federated repository tables use the DBSCHEMA command. To use the default schema, which is typically the namespace of the current database user, do not specify the DBSCHEMA command.

        export DBSCHEMA=dbschemaname

    4. export TSPREFIX=<tsprefix>

      where <tsprefix> is the tablespace prefix. The maximum length allowed for this string is 3 characters.

    5. export SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION=<schema_dest_location>

      where <schema_dest_location> is the location where the updated SQL files with replaced variables should be copied. If SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION is not set, the updated SQL files are copied to a directory with the name as the unsubstituted value under the current directory. The output indicates where the files are copied to.

    6. (zos) Specify the buffer pool to use for creating the federated repository tables. The buffer pool value specified should exist in the database. The default buffer pool value in the database is BP0. Even to use the default buffer pool value, you must still execute the following commands and specify the default value of BP0 explicitly:
      export DEFAULT_TABLE=<buffer pool value for default tables>
      export LOB_TABLE=<buffer pool value for LOB tables>
      export INDEX_TABLE=<buffer pool value for unique index tables>

    7. (zos) export DBNAME=zos

    8. ./ws_ant.sh -f app_server_root/etc/wim/setup/filterbuild.xml

  4. Start the DB2 server.

  5. Create a database.

  6. Run the SQL files, which were previously referenced, to create the tables for the property extension repository. If we are setting up the database on the same system on which the application server is installed, the files are located in the following locations:

    DB2 for iSeries


    DB2 for z/OS


    Otherwise, run the SQL files from the location to which you copied the files. If we executed the commands to substitute variables according to the steps in the previous section, Specifying the database schema, the SQL files are copied to the location specified for SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION. If SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION is not set, the updated SQL files are copied to a directory with the name as the unsubstituted value under the current directory. The output shows where the files are copied.

What to do next

Run the setupIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables command with the skipDBCreation parameter set to true to populate the tables created. For more information, read about setting up an entry mapping repository, a property extension repository, or a custom registry database repository using wsadmin commands.

Related tasks

  • Manually set up the property extension repository for federated repositories

    Related information:

  • DB2 Universal Database for iSeries in the IBM iSeries Information Center
  • Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center
  • Specify a schema name for federated repository databases with IBM DB2 for z/OS