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Web Services Security service provider programming interfaces

Several Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs) are provided to extend the capability of the Web Services Security runtime.

Important: There is an important distinction between Version 5.x and Version 6 and later applications. The information supports Version 5.x applications only used with WAS v6.0.x and later. The information does not apply to Version 6.0.x and later applications.

The following list contains the SPIs that are available for WebSphere Application Server:

What to do next

The JAAS LoginModule API is used for token validation on the request receiver side of the message. We can implement a custom LoginModule API to perform validation of the custom token on the request receiver of the message. After the token is verified and validated, the token is set as the caller and then run as the identity in the WAS runtime. The identity is used for authorization checks by the containers before a Java EE resource is invoked. The following list presents the default AuthMethod configurations provided by WebSphere Application Server:


Validates a user name token.


Maps the distinguished name (DN) of a verified certificate to a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) subject.


Maps a trusted identity to a JAAS subject.


Validates an LTPA token that is received in the message and creates a JAAS subject.

Related concepts

  • LTPA>
  • Web Services Security model in WebSphere Application Server
  • Login mappings

  • Web Services Security support