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Use the IBM proprietary Web Services Addressing SPIs: Performing more advanced Web Services Addressing tasks

This product provides proprietary system programming interfaces for more advanced Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) tasks, which involve the WS-Addressing message-addressing properties that are passed in the SOAP header of a web service message. We can also use the SPIs to choose a WS-Addressing specification level other than the default used by the product.

We cannot use the standard JAX-WS API classes with these proprietary SPIs. However, we can convert endpoint references created using the standard JAX-WS API classes to instances of the com.ibm.websphere.wsaddressing.EndpointReference class, using the com.ibm.websphere.wsaddressing.jaxws21.EndpointReferenceConverter class. We can use these converted endpoint references with the SPIs.

The steps described in this task apply to servers and clients that run on WebSphere Application Server.

Complete this task to specify or acquire WS-Addressing message-addressing properties, or if we have an application that needs to interoperate with a client or endpoint that is not using the default WS-Addressing specification supported by this product.


Related concepts

  • IBM proprietary Web Services Addressing SPIs