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Highly available databases

Highly available databases are highly scalable and depend on a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is always running. Restrictions apply when you choose a highly available database as the data store for the messaging engine.

Databases that have a high availability framework or feature might have redundant primary and standby servers. If we are using such a database as your data store, certain specific actions are required:

If we use the High Availability Data Recovery (HADR) feature of DB2 , note the following restrictions:

If we configure a WAS to use a highly available database as the data store and a database failover occurs, the application server on which the messaging engine is running might stop. The cause of this problem is that the messaging engine cannot always treat the failover as a transient communications error.

When you configure a messaging engine to use a highly available database for its data store, ensure that the messaging engine can restart automatically following an application server failure. Choose the option that is appropriate for the configuration:

Related concepts

  • Message store high availability
  • Message stores