Configure the development environment.
Use XML content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
Before you start developing JAX-RS applications, set up the development environment by adding the JAX-RS libraries on the classpath.
What to do next
Define resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
The application server provides command-line tools to develop web services clients and implementations based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) specification. Set up the development environment before you start developing web services.
- Development and assembly tools
We can use an Integrated Development Environment to develop, assemble, and deploy Java EE modules for WebSphere Application Server.
- Directory conventions
References in product information to app_server_root, profile_root, and other directories imply specific default directory locations. Become familiar with the conventions in use for WebSphere Application Server.
Related concepts
Development and assembly tools
Related tasks
Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
Related information:
Directory conventions