Use WADL to generate service documentation.
Configure the JAX-RS application.
Use WADL to generate service documentation
We can also build our own WADL document using the org.apache.wink.common.model.wadl.WADLGenerator. WADLGenerator builds a JAXB annotated object model so we can return it as an entity response in an @OPTIONS resource method as the response entity.
- Serving a WADL document for the resources
Use this method to serve a WADL service document for the application from a developer defined URL.
- Disable generation of WADL documents for HTTP OPTIONS requests
Use this method if we do not want to serve any WADL document information from an HTTP OPTIONS request.
What to do next
Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Serving a WADL document for the resources
A developer might not want to expose the Web Application Description Language (WADL) document via an OPTIONS request to limit the amount of information a third party can gather about a service. By providing less information, security through obscurity may be achieved.
- Disable generation of WADL documents for HTTP OPTIONS requests
A developer may choose not to expose a Web Application Description Language (WADL) document for a resource so that they do not expose information about the service. Information about the service might be better obtained via a document provided by the developer outside of the service.
Related tasks
Serving a WADL document for the resources Disable generation of WADL documents for HTTP OPTIONS requests