Complete the client implementation.
Develop JAX-WS client artifacts from a WSDL file.
Implement static JAX-WS web services clients
Write the client application code that is going to be used to invoke the Web service.
See Chapter 4 of the JSR 109 specification.
Avoid trouble:
- If the client application is going to be installed in a server, it must be contained in either a WAR module or an EJB module. Shared library files are not scanned for JAX-WS clients. Therefore, a shared library JAR file cannot be used as the container for a client application.
- If the client application creates a number of threads in the JSR 109 client, the metadata, including the WAS configuration, is not copied to the thread, and the Global Security Handler is not called.
What to do next
(Optional) Assemble a web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file.