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Troubleshooting using WebSphere variables

Troubleshooting problems can be performed by changing certain variables in the application environment.

WebSphere Application Server for z/OS provides configuration variables that control server behavior.

Depending on the types of problems you encounter, we might need to change the values set for configuration variables that control WebSphere Application Server behavior. Generally speaking, the default values are designed for normal operation in a production environment. Other circumstances might require different values:

The following procedure explains how to use the administrative console to change configuration variable values, commonly known as console settings.

  1. Click Environment -> Manage WebSphere Variables in the console navigation tree.

  2. On the WebSphere Variables page, select Server as the scope of the variable setting, and click Apply.

  3. On the WebSphere Variables page, click New.

  4. On the Variable page, specify a name and value for the variable. So other people can understand what the variable is used for, also specify a description for the variable. Then click OK.

  5. Verify that the variable is shown in the list of variables.

  6. Save the configuration.

  7. To have the configuration take effect, stop the server and then start the server again.
