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Generating messages in Common Base Event format

Use the administrative console to enable writing of the logstream in Common Base Event format.

The z/OS logs can be stored in Common Base Event format. This enables the Showlog tool to read the data in the logstream. In turn, the showlog output can be read by the log and trace analyzer.

  1. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server1 > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Control > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties.

  2. Add a new custom property with name="com.ibm.ws.logging.zOS.errorLog.format" and value "CBE-XML-1.0.1"

  3. Restart the application server for this setting to take effect.


When this property is set to CBE-XML-1.0.1, the messages written to the error logstream are in binary Common Base Event format. We can use the showlog script to view the binary Common Base Event records in the logstream.

If we enable writing of the logstream in Common Base Event format, the error log is no longer viewable with the log browse utility. This action changes the format used to write to the logstream so that only the showlog tool can read it.

Related tasks

  • Logstream size considerations
  • View error log contents through the Log Browse Utility (BBORBLOG)

  • Showlog commands for Common Base Events