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Migrate unrestricted jurisdiction policy files, local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar

We can migrate the unrestricted jurisdiction policy files, local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.

To use encryption keys that are greater than 128-bits, use the unrestricted jurisdiction policy files, local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.

The files are located in the [WAS_HOME/java/jre/lib/security] [WAS_HOME/java/lib/security directory.

If wer back-level version of WAS is using the unrestricted jurisdiction policy files, you must perform special steps to migrate these files to the new version of WAS. If we are not using the unrestricted jurisdiction policy files, we do not need to take any action.

  1. Before migrating, copy the modified local_policy.jar file to a temporary location.

  2. Migrate the WAS installation.

  3. (zos) Mount the new product HFS as read/write.

  4. (dist) Copy the modified local_policy.jar file from step 1 to the following directory on the new WebSphere Application Server installation: WAS_HOME/java/jre/lib/security .

  5. (zos) Copy the modified local_policy.jar file from step 1 to the following directory on the new WebSphere Application Server installation: WAS_HOME/java/lib/security.

  6. (zos) Mount the new product HFS as read-only.

  7. Start the new WebSphere Application Server installation as normal.

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  • Migrate, coexist, and interoperate - Security considerations