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JNDI namespaces and connecting to different JMS provider environments

Interoperation with other JMS systems and clients is more straightforward if the messaging application connections are built using a connection factory and stored in a JNDI namespace. The JNDI namespace insulates the application from provider-specific information, and there are no differences that are significant for programming messaging applications.

The JNDI API enables JMS clients to look up configured JMS objects. By delegating all the provider-specific work to administrative tasks for creating and configuring these objects, the clients can be completely portable between environments. In addition, the applications are easier to administer because they have no specific administrative values embedded in their code.

There are two types of JMS administered objects:

The messaging environment to which the application connects depend on the implementation type of the ConnectionFactory object that is obtained from JNDI. For example, if the object is a WAS default messaging ConnectionFactory object, then a connection is made to the same service integration bus.