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Publish/subscribe bridge on a WebSphere MQ link

A publish/subscribe bridge enables publish/subscribe messaging between WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ through a WebSphere MQ link. The publish/subscribe bridge provides a connection between the publish/subscribe function of a service integration bus and the publish/subscribe function of a WebSphere MQ network.

When you use WebSphere MQ integrated publish/subscribe, the publish/subscribe bridge can connect as a subscriber or publisher to queue managers in the WebSphere MQ network:

The publish/subscribe bridge acts in the same way if you use a queued publish/subscribe capability provided by a compatibility interface within WebSphere MQ Version 7, or by a separate message broker product. The publish/subscribe bridge attaches to the publish/subscribe broker as either a subscriber or a publisher, and receives messages from the message broker or publishes them to the message broker. The message broker distributes published messages to its subscribers in the WebSphere MQ network.

If communication between the two ends of the publish/subscribe bridge stops, messages are held until communication is reestablished by the system or by the administrator. For a separate message broker product, the messages might be held on the input queues for the broker, if the broker is not available, or on the transmission queue for WebSphere MQ, if WebSphere MQ is not available.

The publish/subscribe bridge consists of the broker profiles and topic mappings that we have defined on the WebSphere MQ link: