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Delete LDAP endpoints using wsadmin

We can delete LDAP endpoints for a user registry using the WAS administrative tool (wsadmin).

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.

  2. Set the LDAP variable and display a list of LDAP endpoint objects. Enter the following commands:


    set ldap [$AdminConfig list LDAPUserRegistry]
     $AdminConfig list EndPoint $ldap


     print AdminConfig.show(ldap)
    For the Jython language, we can obtain the endpoint from the host variable after running the previous command.

  3. Display a list of LDAP endpoint objects. Enter the following command for each object:


      $AdminConfig showall End_Point_Object

    Using Jython:

  4. Delete an LDAP endpoint object. Enter the following command:


      $AdminConfig remove End_Point_Object

    Using Jython:

  5. Save the configuration changes: Enter the following command:


      $AdminConfig save

    Using Jython:

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  • Configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol user registries
  • Test an LDAP server for user registry failover