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Job logs

A job log is a file containing a detailed record of the execution details of a job. System messages from the batch container and output from the job executables are collected. By examining job logs, we can see the life cycle of a batch job, including output from the batch applications themselves.

A job log is composed of the following three types of information:

  1. xJCL - A job log contains a copy of the xJCL used to run the job, including xJCL substitution values.

  2. System messages - A set of system messages that communicate the major life cycle events corresponding to the job. The following system events are recorded in a job log:

    • Begin and end of a job

    • Begin and end of a step

    • Begin and end of a checkpoint

    • Open, close, and checkpoint of a batch data stream

    • Checkpoint algorithm invocation / results

    • Results algorithm invocation / results

  3. Application messages - A set of messages written to standard out and standard error by a job step program.

Job logs are viewable through the job management console. Since information is added dynamically to the job log while the job is running, we can view the latest information by selecting Refresh from the job log view. Jobs logs are viewable only if our owning scheduler is active. In addition, if the endpoint running the job is unavailable, a partial job log is the result.

Output of a job log

Job log output is collected on the job scheduler node, and on the grid execution endpoint node. The output is collected in a directory which has the format:


${GRID_JOBLOG_ROOT}/joblogs - The base directory for all job logs on the node. It is configurable through the endpoint job log location attribute of the job scheduler panel from the administration console. The default value for ${GRID_JOBLOG_ROOT} is ${user.install.root}.

<job-directory> Is generated at run time from the job name. For example, if the job ID assigned by the job scheduler is PostingsSampleEar:99, then the generated directory name is PostingsSampleEar_99

<timeStamp-directory>- Is generated at run time from the current date. It is in the format ddmmyyy_hhmmss, where dd is the day of the month, mm is a month (00 - 11), and yyyy is the year. hh is the hour of the day (00 - 23), mm is the minute of the hour (00 - 59) and ss is the seconds of the minutes (00 - 59). For example, a timestamp directory with the name 14022007_164535 means that the job began processing on 14 Mar 2007, at 16:45:35.

For example, job output from job PostingsSampleEar:99 might be collected in the directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/scheduler/joblogs/PostingsSampleEar_99/14022007_164535.

Output on the scheduler node contains an echo of the job xJCL (before and after symbolic variable substitution, if any, is performed) and job dispatch information. Job log output from the job scheduler is collected in the job log directory in the file named part.0.log. Output on the execution endpoint node contains both application output and grid endpoint runtime messages. This output includes any application generated output directed to the System.out and System.err output streams. Job log output from the grid endpoint is collected in the job log directory in files with names such as part.1.log and part.2.log. However, if the job scheduler and grid endpoint are installed on the same application server, job log output from both the scheduler and the grid endpoint is collected in the job log directory in the file named part.0.log. Each of the log parts contains approximately 1000 records. The following example shows the contents of part.1.log:

System.out: [03/13/07 08:25:32:708 EDT] Tue Mar 13 08:25:32 EDT 2007: SimpleCI application starting...
System.out: [03/13/07 08:25:32:708 EDT] -->Will loop processing a variety of math functions for approximately 30.0 seconds!
System.out: [03/13/07 08:26:02:752 EDT] Tue Mar 13 08:26:02 EDT 2007: SimpleCI application complete!
System.out: [03/13/07 08:26:02:753 EDT] -->Actual Processing time = 30.043 seconds!
CWLRB5764I: [03/13/07 08:26:03:069 EDT] Job SimpleCIEar:44 ended

Related concepts

  • Batch jobs and their environment
  • Job management console
  • Command-line interface for batch jobs