Restore the previous deployment manager configuration
Save the current deployment manager configuration to the migration backup directory
Migrate cells using the command-line tools
To restore the previous deployment manager configuration that you saved in the migration backup directory, run the WASPostUpgrade command. If we use the options that are shown in the following example, all ports are carried forward, the old deployment manager is shut down and disabled, and all applications are installed.
- Run the WASPostUpgrade command. For example:
/opt/WebSphereV85/bin/ /mybackup/v70tov85dmgr01 -profileName v70tov85dmgr01 -oldProfile 70dmgr01 -replacePorts TRUE -backupConfig TRUE -includeApps TRUE -scriptCompatibility TRUE -keepDmgrEnabled FALSE -username myuser -password mypass
/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V85/ND/bin/WASPostUpgrade /mybackup/v70tov85dmgr01 -profileName myCurrentDmgrProfile -oldProfile myCurrentDmgrProfile -replacePorts TRUE -backupConfig TRUE -includeApps TRUE -scriptCompatibility TRUE -keepDmgrEnabled FALSE -username myuser -password mypass
When we create profiles, only one profile is considered the default profile per installation.
If the -oldProfile or the -profileName parameters are not specified, the WASPostUpgrade command migrates the default profile for the source and the target installations.
We can identify the default profiles by looking in the profileRegistry.xml file in the WAS_HOME/properties directory. The source profileRegistry.xml is copied to the migration backup directory as part of the WASPreUpgrade command.
Avoid trouble:
- Always specify the -oldProfile and -profileName parameters when you run the WASPostUpgrade command.
- The script compatibility flag on the deployment manager must be the same as the flag that you use on the nodes. Save the value of the script compatibility flag for later use.
- Review warnings or errors in the console output and WASPostUpgrade logs. After the WASPostUpgrade command is complete, check the console output for Failed with errors or Completed with warnings messages. Then, check the migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.target_profile_name.timestamp.log and migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.target_profile_name.trace log files for any warnings or errors. If there are errors, fix the errors and run the WASPostUpgrade command again. Check whether the warnings affect any other migration or runtime activities on v8.5.
If the command completed successfully, it is not necessary to check the logs for errors or warnings.
What to do next
Back up the v8.5 deployment manager configuration
- WASPostUpgrade command
The WASPostUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server retrieves the saved configuration that was created by the WASPreUpgrade command from the backupDirectory that specified. The WASPostUpgrade script for WebSphere Application Server reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to WebSphere Application Server v8.5 and adds all migrated applications into the app_server_root/installedApps directory for the v8.5 installation.
WASPostUpgrade command