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Configure a JAX-WS client to resolve a WS-Notification service WSDL without following web links

We can configure a Java API for XML-based Web Services (JAX-WS) WS-Notification application (that is, a publisher, subscriber or consumer application) to resolve the WSDL parts for a Version 7.0 WS-Notification service from a local copy of the associated jax-ws-catalog.xml file and wsdl directory, rather than by following a series of web links.

When a JAX-WS WS-Notification client application gets the WSDL file from a Version 7.0 WS-Notification service, the client application expects to resolve the imported WSDL parts by following web links. However, if you copy the jax-ws-catalog.xml file and the wsdl directory for the WS-Notification service into the local file system for the client application, then the client application can resolve the imported WSDL parts from the local copy.

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Navigate to directory profile_root/config/cells/cell_name/buses/bus_name/wsn/wsn_service_name/META-INF, where profile_root is the directory in which profile-specific information is stored.

  3. Copy the jax-ws-catalog.xml file and the wsdl directory from this directory to the WEB-INF directory for the application.


Your JAX-WS WS-Notification client application can resolve the WSDL parts for the WS-Notification service from the local copy of the catalog.

Related tasks

  • Configure WS-Notification resources using the administrative console
  • Interacting at run time with WS-Notification

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