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Restarting an application server on a different host

As part of restarting an application server on a different host, you move all the transaction logs to the new host.

Move transactions logs to a different host is similar to moving logs from one server to another, as described in Move a transaction log from one server to another.

This method involves moving an original application server on one host to an alternative server, which has access to the same resource managers, on another host. For a network-deployed server configuration, the alternative server must have the same name as the original server.

To complete transaction recovery, the application server uses the resource manager configuration information in the transaction logs. However, for the application server to continue to do new work with the same resource managers, the server must have an appropriate resource manager configuration (as for the original server).

To restart an application server on a different host...

  1. Ensure that the alternative application server is stopped.

  2. Move all the transaction logs for the original server to the alternative application server, as described in Move a transaction log from one server to another.

  3. Restart the alternative application server.

Related tasks

  • Move a transaction log from one server to another