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Remove a messaging engine from a cluster

We can reduce the number of messaging engines configured for a cluster bus member by removing a messaging engine.

Before you remove a messaging engine from a cluster, drain it of messages and prevent further messages being sent to it. Otherwise, when a messaging engine is removed, all messages currently stored on that messaging engine are deleted. Any messages that are in transit to the removed messaging engine might remain on the sending messaging engine on a remote queue point and require manual cleanup.

When you remove messaging engines from a cluster, remove them in numerical order from highest to lowest so as to avoid a situation where, for example, there are messaging engines numbered 001 and 002 and not 000. This is to avoid problems if you use WS-Notification, which attaches special significance to the first-created messaging engine in a cluster. For more information, see the WS-Notification troubleshooting tip Problems can occur when deleting administered subscribers and messaging engines.

When you remove a messaging engine from a cluster, all message points and their messages are deleted, so if the cluster has a queue destination configured, some of the messages stored for that queue might be lost.

To remove a messaging engine from a cluster:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Bus members.

  2. In the content pane, click the cluster from which to remove a messaging engine. The Bus member detail panel is displayed.

  3. In the content pane, under Additional properties, click Messaging engines. A list of messaging engines for the cluster is displayed.

  4. In the content pane, select the messaging engine to remove.

  5. Click Remove messaging engine.

  6. Save the changes to the master configuration.


The messaging engine is removed from the cluster.

We can also use the deleteSIBEngine command to remove a messaging engine from a cluster.

What to do next

Remember: When you remove a messaging engine, WebSphere Application Server (base) does not delete the data store tables or the file store files automatically.

Related concepts

  • Messaging engines
  • Message production and consumption by using remote message points
  • Bus members

    Related tasks

  • Listing the messaging engines for a cluster bus member
  • Manage messaging engines with administrative commands
  • Correcting the messaging engine policy
  • Delete a redundant core group policy
  • Emptying the data store for a messaging engine
  • Delete files following removal of a messaging engine
  • Modify the messaging engine policy for a cluster bus member

  • deleteSIBEngine command

    Related information:

  • Messaging engine troubleshooting tips