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Packaging EJB modules in a batch application using Rational Application Developer

Use Rational Application Developer 8.0.1 or later to package EJB 3.0 and later modules.

Develop a batch application.

  1. Import the batch application EAR file into Rational Application Developer. Click File > Import.

    1. Select Java EE - EAR file. Click Next.

    2. Enter the location of the EAR file in the EAR file field.

    3. Set the Target run time to a WAS v8.5 run time.

    4. Clear everything on the EAR Module and Utility JAR Projects page (third page).

    5. Click Finish.

  2. Link in the EJB 3.0 or later JAR file.

    1. Right-click on the newly created EAR project.

    2. Select Properties > Java EE Module Dependencies

    3. Click Add External JARs....

    4. Select the EJB JAR file, such as an EJB3 JAR.

    5. Click OK.

  3. Export the EAR file.

    1. Right-click on the EAR project.

    2. Click Export > EAR file.

    3. Enter a value in the Destination field.

    4. Click Finish.

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