Packaging EJB modules in a batch application using Rational Application Developer
Use Rational Application Developer 8.0.1 or later to package EJB 3.0 and later modules.
Develop a batch application.
- Import the batch application EAR file into Rational Application Developer. Click File > Import.
- Select Java EE - EAR file. Click Next.
- Enter the location of the EAR file in the EAR file field.
- Set the Target run time to a WAS v8.5 run time.
- Clear everything on the EAR Module and Utility JAR Projects page (third page).
- Click Finish.
- Link in the EJB 3.0 or later JAR file.
- Right-click on the newly created EAR project.
- Select Properties > Java EE Module Dependencies
- Click Add External JARs....
- Select the EJB JAR file, such as an EJB3 JAR.
- Click OK.
- Export the EAR file.
- Right-click on the EAR project.
- Click Export > EAR file.
- Enter a value in the Destination field.
- Click Finish.
Related concepts
Batch data stream framework and patterns
Related tasks
Develop a simple transactional batch application