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Develop applications in the full profile environment

The WAS full profile environment offers some support for developing applications to run on the full profile.

The Liberty profile is focused on the needs of developers; For an application type that the Liberty profile supports, you might prefer to use the Liberty profile as the application development environment. The Liberty profile and the full profile use the same containers, and any application you develop using the Liberty profile will also run on the full profile. See Programming model support and Use the Liberty profile as an application development environment.


  1. How do I develop applications?
  2. Design applications
  3. Obtaining an integrated development environment (IDE)
  4. Debugging applications
  5. Assemble applications
  6. Class loading
  7. Develop ActivitySessions
  8. Develop Asynchronous beans
  9. Develop batch applications
  10. Develop applications that use the Bean Validation API
  11. Develop Communications Enabled Applications
  12. Develop data access resources
  13. Develop Dynamic caching
  14. Develop Dynamic and EJB query
  15. Develop EJB applications
  16. Develop Internationalization service
  17. Develop Mail, URLs, and other Java EE resources
  18. Develop Naming and directory
  19. Develop Object pools
  20. Develop Object Request Broker (ORB)
  21. Develop OSGi applications
  22. Develop Portlet applications
  23. (dist)(zos) Develop SCA composites
  24. Develop Scheduler service
  25. Develop security
  26. Develop Service integration
  27. Develop Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications
  28. Develop Spring applications
  29. Develop Startup beans
  30. Develop Transactions
  31. Develop web applications
  32. Develop web services
  33. Develop web services - Addressing (WS-Addressing)
  34. Develop web services - Notification (WS-Notification)
  35. Develop web services - Reliable messaging (WS-ReliableMessaging)
  36. Develop web services - Security (WS-Security)
  37. Develop web services - Transaction support (WS-Transaction)
  38. Develop web services - Transports
  39. Develop web services - UDDI registry
  40. Develop Work area
  41. Develop XML applications