Deploy the EJB 3.x applications.
Assemble EJB 3.x applications.
Implement EJB 3.x applications
When you deploy an EJB module, you install that module on a server that has been configured to support deployed modules. Assemble one or more EJB modules, assemble one or more web modules, and assemble them into a Java EE application.
What to do next
Administer EJB 3.x applications.
- Assemble EJB modules
An enterprise bean is a Java component that can be combined with other resources to create Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications. This topic describes assembling EJB modules based on the EJB specifications.
- Assemble EJB 3.x enterprise beans
Related tasks
Assembling EJB modules Assemble EJB 3.x enterprise beans