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Displaying optimized local adapter status with the Modify command

We can issue the modify command from the MVS™ console to dynamically modify product operations. This topic explains the syntax and parameters to use with the modify command when to display optimized local adapter status. This topic also demonstrates with an example how to use the modify command.

We can use the modify command to display the status of various server components and activities, including the following components:

Use the following format when entering the modify command:

Server is the short name for the server to which the modify command is directed. This argument is required.


ADAPTER is a parameter on the DISPLAY modify command. We can view the entire list of DISPLAY modify command parameters in the topic, Modify command. The following parameters are used to display the status of the optimized local adapters with the modify command. To read more about this command, see the topic, Modify command.

OLATRACE is a keyword with a parameter that specifies the jobname associated with the optimized local adapter exploiter with trace records that are to be displayed. The jobname can be a particular job or can be a single asterisk to extract all adapter trace records. Formats and displays optimized local adapter trace records to the WAS SYSOUT, if tracing is enabled. To enable adapter tracing for specific registrations or for broad situations, see the topic, Using optimized local adapters diagnostic information.

Example 1

F server, DISPLAY, OLATRACE=jjjjjjjj

In both examples, the system dumps matching trace records to the server SYSOUT spool data. For a given use of the modify DISPLAY OLATRACE command, the trace report in SYSOUT is delimited by a header and footer line as follows:

******** OLATRACE modify command output start ****************************\n";
******** Trace records for jobname: jjjjjjjjj
< formatted trace records > ******** End of OLATRACE modify command output ***************************

To display the operational status of optimized local adapters, issue the following command: f server,display,adapter,status

The status of optimized local adapters is displayed on the MVS console as follows:

VER:1 indicates that version 1 of optimized local adapters is installed. MAX-CONN:100 reports that the WebSphere variable WAS_DAEMON_ONLY_adapter_max_conn is set to. DAEMON-GRP_NAME:SY1 indicates that the daemon group that this server is connected to is named SY1.

To display optimized local adapters clients connected to this server, issue the following command: f server,display,adapter,registrations

A list of clients (address spaces which have issued BBOA1REG) are displayed on the MVS console as follows:

To display optimized local adapters clients connected to a different server in this daemon group, issue the following command: f server,display,adapter,registrations,servername

To display optimized local adapters clients connected to any server in this daemon group, issue the following command: f server,display,adapter,daemongres

To display optimized local adapters clients matching search criteria, issue the following command: f server,display,adapter,searchrges,criteria where criteria can be:

The output is as follows:

Message BBOA0000I lists address spaces of type 'e' representing external address spaces (optimized local adapters clients), along with their MVS job name and optimized local adapters register name.

Message BBOA0001I shows the number of active connections for this registration.

Message BBOA0002I shows the minimum and maximum number of connections for this registration.

Message BBOA0024I is a header for a list of connections that follow.

Message BBOA0025I is issued once for each connection in this registration. There should be one BBOA0025I message for each active connection reported in message BBOA0001I. The ID and LSCB are unique identifiers for this connection. State represents the state of the connection. Pooled indicates that the connection is not currently in use by any application thread, but is available for a request. Err indicates the connection is processing an error condition. The states Ready, RegSent, RspRcvd, RegRcvd, and DataRcvd all describe various states of an interaction between the optimized local adapters client and the WAS for z/OS server instance.


  • Modify command