Collaborating and cobrowsing in web applications
We can embed the Cobrowse widget in an application so that users can share the same browsing session, with one user controlling the session. We can use the Dojo Toolkit that comes with the CEA feature to embed the CEA widgets in the applications.
Dojo widgets are prepackaged components of JavaScript code, HTML markup and CSS style declarations that we can use to enhance web sites with interactive features. We can use the Dojo Toolkit that comes with the CEA feature to embed the CEA widgets in the applications.
Deprecated feature: CEA Dojo widgets encapsulate various user interfaces based on the CEA Rest API. These widgets are deprecated. We can also obtain the source for these widgets from developerWorks . depfeat
A cobrowsing session allows two web users to share the same browsing session. One user controls the session; the other user has no control, but can view the activity of the other user. A modal window is a secondary window that requires the user to interact with it; the modal window must be closed before the user can return to the main application.
The Cobrowse widget can be customized to match the look and feel of the page by modifying the CSS file. The widgets are also extensible, allowing the user to create their own custom version to handle more advanced tasks.
In addition to listing the steps needed to enable applications with cobrowsing, this task includes details about how to enhance the application and configure the application server.
This task lists the steps needed to enable collaboration and cobrowsing in an existing application. To quickly learn how the CEA widgets work in an online application, we can install the PlantsByWebSphere Ajax Edition for CEA (PlantsByWebSphereAjax) sample application. For more information about the sample application, see the supporting documentation provided in the PlantsByWebSphere directory of the CEA samples package that we can download from the WAS Samples page. Additionally, read about setting up and using the communications enabled application samples.
Avoid trouble: In the following procedure, complete either Step 3 or Step 4. Step 3 enables the widget for desktop browsers. Step 4 enables the widget for Apple and Android mobile browsers.gotcha
- Enable the system application.
- Copy the CEA widgets into the application you are enhancing.
- Embed the widgets in the application you are enhancing.
- Embed the mobile widgets in the application you are enhancing.
- Install and start the application you are enhancing.
- Test the application you are enhancing.
You have enabled the Cobrowse widget within an application, which allows users to share and direct a browsing session with a web browsing partner.
Avoid trouble:
- When you test the widgets, use two completely separate browsers, or the same browser on two separate machines. Using tabs in the same browser, or even launching separate instances of the same browser on the same machine, will cause session issues.
- Enable browser cookies to allow the CEA widgets to store state information about the active widget session. This process enables the user to access another web page with the embedded CEA widget or refresh the current page while keeping the widget session active. If we disable cookies and access another page with the embedded CEA widget or refresh the current page, the CEA widget loads to the default state.
- Enable the system application.
- Copy the CEA widgets into the application you are enhancing.
- Embed the widgets in the application you are enhancing.
- Embed the mobile widgets in the application you are enhancing.
- Install and start the application you are enhancing.
- Test the application you are enhancing.
Related tasks
Set up the communications enabled application samples Samples documentation
CEA collaboration flow
Related information:
Multiple Versions of Dojo in a Page