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Submitting Installation Manager jobs

In a flexible management environment, we can submit jobs to install Installation Manager instances, update Installation Manager with a repository (not supported on z/OS targets), manage Installation Manager offerings, and install WebSphere Application Server v8.5 products.

Supported configurations: This topic applies to WebSphere Application Server v8.5. For information about using centralized installation manager (CIM) for Version 6.1.x and 7.x, see the topic about getting started with the centralized installation manager (CIM) for previous versions.

Start the job manager and make a remote host a target of the job manager. In the job manager console or deployment manager console, click Jobs > Targets > New Host and complete the fields on the New targets page.

A remote host typically is a different computer than the one on which the job manager is installed.

To submit jobs, the ID at the job manager must be authorized for the administrator role or the operator role. When you submit a job, we can specify a user name and password for authentication and authorization at the target or targets. When you submit a job to multiple targets, the user name and password or the credentials for the submitter must be applicable to all of the job targets.

(iseries) The user profile must have *JOBCTL authorization in order to use centralized installation manager (CIM) on IBM i targets.

(zos) SSH code is not automatically included with z/OS operating systems. We must ensure SSH is installed and enabled on any target to access using CIM.

(zos) Note: CIM jobs to install, uninstall, and update Installation Manager are not supported on z/OS targets. We must first install Installation Manager on z/OS targets before using CIM manage offerings jobs.

For Version 8.0 and later, centralized installation manager (CIM) functions are accessed through the job manager. Using the job manager, we can perform the following functions:

(dist) The Centralized Installation Manager (CIM) can be used to manage Version 6.x and 7.x of WAS. We can use CIM to install or uninstall previous versions of WAS on remote machines and apply maintenance from the administrative console. The process for managing Version 6.x and 7.x is different from the process for managing Version 8.0 and later, which is managed through the job manager.


Function CIM Version 6.x and 7.x CIM Version 8.x
Scope Install, update, uninstall Version 7.x. Update Version 6.x. Install, update, uninstall Version 8.x and all Installation Manager installable products
Installation software used ISMP and Update Installer Installation Manager
Repository Maintains a private repository on the deployment manager Maintains an installation kit directory. Uses an Installation Manager repository.
Administrative console Accessible from the deployment manager Accessible from the job manager. The job manager is also available on the deployment manager.
Command line CIM AdminTask commands Use the job manager submitJob command.

For Version 8.x, CIM functions are not compatible with CIM Version 6.x or 7.x.

Supported configurations: IBM Installation Manager 1.5.2 or later is required.

We can use the Installation Manager to install and manage installations on remote hosts. Using the job manager, we can run jobs that create and update Installation Manager instances and install the product on remote hosts.

The topics in this section describe how to use the Installation Manager by running jobs in the job manager console or the deployment manager console. Instead of using a console, we can run wsadmin commands in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.

What to do next

On the Job status page, click the ID of the job and view the job status. If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.

To review the Installation Manager license, perform the following steps:


Related tasks

  • Submitting jobs to install Installation Manager on remote hosts
  • Submitting jobs to update Installation Manager on remote hosts for v8.5
  • Submitting jobs to uninstall Installation Manager on remote hosts
  • Install WebSphere Application Server v8.5 using the job manager and command line
  • Manage Installation Manager using the job manager