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prerequisite validator tool

The prerequisite validator tool verifies the WAS installation, ensures that we have the appropriate prerequisite software and PTFs installed, and verifies certain configuration settings required by the product.

The prerequisite validator tool can also be run from the checkprereqs script. See The checkprereqs script for more information.

For descriptions of the syntax and parameters that apply to the servicetools script, see The servicetools script.


The syntax to run the prerequisite validator tool is:

servicetools [ parameters ] -checkprereqs [ -xmlinput xml_input_file ]
  [ -xmloutput xml_output_file ] [ -verbose ]


The parameters for the prerequisite validator tool are:


This optional parameter list specifies parameters for the servicetools script. See The servicetools script for more information. The servicetools parameters must be specified before the -checkprereqs parameter.


This parameter invokes the prerequsite validator.


This is an optional parameter. The value xml_input_file specifies the fully qualified path of the XML file that lists the prerequisites that the script checks. If this parameter is not specified, the script uses the default XML input file included in the ServiceTools.jar file.


This is an optional parameter. The value xml_output_file specifies the fully qualified path of the XML file to which the script writes the results. If neither this parameter nor the -output parameter is specified, output information is written to the display.


This is an optional parameter. If we specify this parameter, the script displays all result information. If not specified, the script does not display successful result information.

Related tasks

  • Use command-line tools