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ivt command

The install verification (ivt) script verifies that the application server for an instance is functioning correctly.

For a WebSphere Application Server instance, the ivt script verifies that a JavaServer page, a servlet and an enterprise bean can be successfully invoked. For a WAS Network Deployment instance, the ivt script verifies that the deployment manager can be contacted successfully. If the application server is not running, the ivt script attempts to start it before verification begins. For WebSphere Application Server instances, the ivtApp application must be installed in the server. By default, this application is installed in the default server created when creating an instance. To run this script, the user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The command syntax is as follows:


The following options are available for the ivt command:


This is an optional parameter. The value instance specifies the name of the instance for which to verify the installation. The default value is default (or the instance specified by the WAS_OS400_INSTANCE variable).

Usage scenario

The following example verifies the default instance:

The following example verifies the devinst instance:

Related tasks

  • Use command-line tools