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AdministrationReports (AdminTask)

We can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to troubleshoot your configuration with wsadmin.sh. The commands in the AdministrationReports group can be used to create a report of inconsistencies in the system configuration or a report that describes the port usage in the system.

The following commands are available for the AdministrationReports group of the AdminTask object:


Use the reportConfigInconsistencies command to create a report of inconsistencies in the system configuration.

Target object: None

Required parameters and return values

Interactive mode

Example output

Configuration consistency report for cell yardbirdCell cells/yardbirdCell/test.xml is a zero
 length file. cells/yardbirdCell/nodes/DummyNode does not contain a serverindex.xml document.
 cells/yardbirdCell/applications/Test. ear/deployments/Test does not contain a deployment.xml document.
 3 consistency problems were found. 


Use the reportConfiguredPorts command to create a report of all the ports configured in the cell.

Target object: None

Required parameters and return values

Interactive mode

Example ouput

Related tasks

  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration

  • Commands (AdminTask)