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Data types (AdminTask)

The parameters (AdminTask) accept various data types for different commands.

The following table lists the primitive and Java data types that the AdminTask object accepts for different commands, including the following data types. Examples of valid data type syntax are included.

The following example command specifies various data types for parameter values that are commonly used with the AdminTask object:

wsadmin>AdminTask.helloWorld('[-personName John -personalInfo [ [cellPhone 123-456-7890] [workPhone 123-456-7892]
 [homePhone 123-456-7891] ] -pets [dog cat] -personID WebSphere:John(organization=ibm,country=usa,state=texas,city=austin)
 -personAttrs [ [gender male] [age 29] [citizership USA] ] -hobbyList [swim tennis baseball]
 -favorFoodTable [ [juice orange] [fruit apple] ] ]')

Parameter Data type Example value
personName String John
personalInfo java.util.Properties [ [cellPhone 123-456-7890] [workPhone 123-456-7892] [homePhone 123-456-7891] ]
pets String[] [dog cat]
personID javax.management.ObjectName WebSphere:John(organization=ibm,country=usa,state=texas,city=austin)
personAttrs javax.management.AttributeList [ [gender male] [age 29] [citizenship USA] ]
hobbyList java.util.ArrayList [swim tennis baseball]
favorFoodTable java.util.Hashtable [ [juice orange] [fruit apple] ]

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  • Use wsadmin scripting with Jython

    Related tasks

  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration

  • Commands (AdminTask)