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Server administration scripts

The scripting library provides multiple script procedures to automate the application server configurations. Use the application server scripts to delete, start, and stop servers. We can run each script individually or combine procedures to create custom automation scripts for the environment.

All server management script procedures are located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/servers/V85 directory.

Use the following script procedures to administer the application server:


This script starts all servers on a node in the configuration.

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node of interest.


Example usage


This script starts a specific server in the configuration.

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node of interest.
serverName Name of the server to start.


Example usage


This script stops all servers on a node in the configuration.

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node of interest.


Example usage


This script stops a single server in the configuration.

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node of interest.
serverName Name of the server of interest.


Example usage

Related tasks

  • Use the script library to automate the application serving environment
  • Automating server administration

  • Server query scripts
  • Server settings configuration scripts