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Node administration scripts

The scripting library provides multiple script procedures to automate the server configurations. See the usage information for scripts that query, configure, and manage the node configurations. We can run each script individually, or combine procedures to create custom automation scripts for the environment.

All node management script procedures are located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/system/V70 directory. Use the following script procedures to query, configure, and manage your node configurations:


This script configures the discovery protocol for the node of interest. If the discovery protocol that a node uses is not appropriate for the node, modify the configuration to use the appropriate protocol.

To run the script, specify the node of interest and the protocol, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.
discoveryProtocol Protocol that the node follows to retrieve information from a network. The Discovery protocol setting is only valid for managed nodes. Specify Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP is faster than TCP, but TCP is more reliable than UDP because UDP does not guarantee delivery of datagrams to the destination. Between these two protocols, the TCP default is recommended.


Example usage


This script displays a value of 1 if the node of interest exists, or a value of -1 if the node of interest does not exist. To run the script, specify the name of the node, as defined in the following table:

argument description. Run the script to see if a node
Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node to query. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage


This script displays a value of 1 if the specified node is running, or a value of -1 if the specified node of is not running. To run the script, specify the name of the node, as defined in the following table:

argument description. Run the script to see if a node
Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node of interest. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage


This script displays a list of nodes in the environment.


Example usage


This script restarts the nodes in the environment with node agents that are in the started state.


Example usage


This script restarts the node agent of interest. Node agents are administrative agents that monitor application servers on a host system and route administrative requests to servers. A node agent is the running server that represents a node in a WAS Network Deployment environment.

To run the script, specify the node of interest, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node to restart. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage


This script stops the specified node. This script is requires that the deployment manager and the specified node are running. Typically, an HTTP server must also be running.

The following table describes the arguments to specify for this script.

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node to stop. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage


This script stops the node agent of interest. Node agents are administrative agents that monitor application servers on a host system and route administrative requests to servers. A node agent is the running server that represents a node in a WAS Network Deployment environment.

To run the script, specify the node of interest, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage


This script propagates configuration changes to each active node in our environment. By default, this situation occurs periodically, as long as the node can communicate with the deployment manager.


Example usage


This script propagates configuration changes to the node of interest. By default, this situation occurs periodically, as long as the node can communicate with the deployment manager.

To run the script, specify the node of interest, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
nodeName Name of the node. The node name is unique within the cell. A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.


Example usage

Related tasks

  • Use the script library to automate the application serving environment

  • Server settings configuration scripts
  • Node group configuration scripts