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J2C query scripts

The scripting library provides many script procedures to manage the Java 2 Connector (J2C) configurations. This topic provides usage information for scripts that query your J2C configuration. We can run each script individually or combine many procedures to create custom automation scripts for the environment.

Each J2C management script procedure is located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/resources/J2C directory.

Use the following script procedures to query the J2C configurations:


This script returns and displays a list of the administrative object interfaces for the J2C resource adapter of interest.

To run the script, specify the J2C resource adapter argument, as defined in the following table:

script. Run the script to list administrative object
Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Configuration ID of the resource adapter of interest.


Example usage


This script returns and displays a list of the connection factory interfaces for the J2C resource adapter of interest.

To run the script, specify the J2C resource adapter argument, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Configuration ID of the resource adapter of interest.


Example usage


This script returns and displays a list of the J2C activation specifications in the J2C configuration.

To run the script, specify the J2C resource adapter and message listener type arguments, as defined in the following table:

script. Run the script to list activation specification
Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Configuration ID of the resource adapter of interest.
messageListenerType Message listener type.


Example usage


This script returns and displays a list of the administrative objects in our J2C configuration.

To run the script, specify the application name and server name arguments, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Name of the application of interest.
adminObjectInterface Name of the administrative object interface of interest.


Example usage


This script returns and displays a list of the J2C connection factories in the J2C configuration.

To run the script, specify the J2C resource adapter and connection factory interface arguments, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Configuration ID of the resource adapter of interest.
connFactoryInterface Name of the connection factory interface of interest.


Example usage


This script displays a list of the J2C resource adapters in the configuration. The script returns either a list of J2CResourceAdapters with the resource adapter name or a list of all J2C resource adapters in the environment.

To run the script, we can optionally specify the J2C resource adapter argument, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
resourceAdapterName Name of the resource adapter to display.


Example usage


This script returns and displays a list of the message listener types for the J2C resource adapter of interest.

To run the script, specify the J2C resource adapter argument, as defined in the following table:

Argument Description
resourceAdapterID Configuration ID of the resource adapter of interest.


Example usage

Related tasks

  • Use the script library to automate the application serving environment

  • J2C configuration scripts
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  • JMS query scripts
  • JDBC configuration scripts
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