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CAClientCommands (AdminTask)

Use the Jython scripting language to manage your certificate authority (CA) client configurations with wsadmin.sh. Use commands in the CAClientCommands group to create, modify, query, and remove connections to a third-party CA server.

Use the following commands to manage the certificate authority (CA) client configurations:


The createCAClient command creates a new CA client object in the configuration. The application server connects to a CA server through the WSPKIClient() implementation, which handles all connections and communications with the CA server.

Target object: None.

Required parameters


Name to uniquely identify the CA client object. (String, required)


Class path that implements the WSPKIClient interface. The user provided WSPKIClient implementation is used to communicate with a Certificate Authority (CA). The system will use the WSPKIClient implementation to request a certificate from a CA.

Develop the WSPKIClient interface for communicating with a certificate authorityhttp://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.zseries.doc/info/zseries/ae/was4175.html( String, required)

Optional parameters


Management scope of the CA client. For a dmgr profile, the system uses the cell scope as the default value. For an application server profile, the system uses the node scope as the default value. (String, optional)


Host name in the system where the CA resides. (String, optional)


Port on the server where the CA listens. (String, optional)


User name to use to authenticate to the CA. (String, optional)


Password for the user name that authenticates to the CA. (String, optional)


How often, in minutes, the system communicates with the CA to determine if a certificate has been created. (String, optional)


Number of times to communicate with the CA to determine if a certificate has been created. (String, optional)


Specifies a comma-separated list of attribute and value custom property pairs to add to the CA client object, using the following format: attribute=value,attribute=value. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns the object name of the CA client that the system creates.

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The modifyCAClient command modifies the existing CA client object configuration data. We can modify one or multiple configuration attributes for a specific CA client.

Target object: None.

Required parameters


Name of the CA client of interest. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Management scope of the CA client. For a dmgr profile, the system uses the cell scope as the default. For an application server profile, the system uses the node scope as the default. (String, optional)


Class path that implements the WSPKIClient interface. The system uses this path to connect to the CA and to issue requests to the CA. (String, optional)


Host name in the system where the CA resides. (String, optional)


Port on the server where the CA listens. (String, optional)


User name to use to authenticate to the CA. (String, optional)


Password for the user name that authenticates to the CA. (String, optional)


How often, in minutes, the system should check with the CA to determine if a certificate has been created. (String, optional)


Number of times to check with the CA to determine if a certificate has been created. (String, optional)


Specifies a comma separated list of attribute and value (attribute=value) custom property pairs to modify on the CA Client object. We can create, modify, or remove properties. To remove a property specify the attribute and value as attribute=. (String, optional)

Return value

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The getCAClient command displays a list of attributes for a specific CA client.

Target object: None.

Required parameters


CA client name of interest. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Management scope of CA client of interest. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns an attribute list containing the attribute and value pairs for the specific CA client, as the following example displays:

'[ [backupCAs ] [managementScope (cells/myCell01|security.xml#ManagementSc
ope_1)] [scopeName (cell):myCell01] [name myCAClient] [baseDn ] [_Websphe
re_Config_Data_Id cells/myCell01|security.xml#CAClient_1181834566882] [por
t 2951] [CACertificate ] [pkiClientImplClass com.ibm.wsspi.ssl.WSPKIClient] [u
serId ] [_Websphere_Config_Data_Type CAClient] [retryCheck 0] [properties ] [fre
quencyCheck 0] [password ] [host ] ]'

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The deleteCAClient command removes the CA client object of interest from your configuration. Use the -caClientName parameter to specify the CA client to delete. We can optionally specify the management scope of the CA client object with the scopeName parameter.

Target object: None.

Required parameters


Name of the CA client of interest. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Management scope of the CA client of interest. (String, optional)

Return value

The command does not return output if the system successfully removes the CA client of interest. If we receive an error message, verify that the CA client object of interest exists in the configuration and that it is not referenced by a certificate object in the security configuration.

Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The listCAClients command lists all CA clients in the configuration or within a specific scope. If we do not provide a value for the -scopeName parameter, the command queries the cell if you use a dmgr profile or queries the node if you use an application server profile. Use the -all parameter to query the environment without using a specific scope.

Target object: None.

Optional parameters


Management scope to search for CA clients. (String, optional)


Whether the system queries for CA clients without a specific scope. (Boolean, optional)

Return value

The command returns an array of attribute lists, displaying one attribute list for each CA client, as the following example output displays:

'[ [backupCAs ] [managementScope (cells/myCell01|security.xml#ManagementScope_1)
] [scopeName (cell):myCell01] [name jenCAClient] [baseDn ] [_Websphere_Config_Da
ta_Id cells/myCell01|security.xml#CAClient_1181834566881] [port 2950] [CACertifi
cate ] [pkiClientImplClass com.ibm.wsspi.ssl.WSPKIClient] [userId ] [_Webspher
e_Config_Data_Type CAClient] [retryCheck 0] [properties ] [frequencyCheck 0] [pa
ssword ] [host ] ]'
'[ [backupCAs ] [managementScope (cells/myCell01|security.xml#ManagementScope_1)
] [scopeName (cell):myCell01] [name myCAClient] [baseDn ] [_Websphere_Config_Dat
a_Id cells/myCell01|security.xml#CAClient_1181834566882] [port 2951] [CACertific
ate ] [pkiClientImplClass com.ibm.wsspi.ssl.WSPKIClient] [userId ] [_Websphere
_Config_Data_Type CAClient] [retryCheck 0] [properties ] [frequencyCheck 0] [pas
sword ] [host ] ]'

Batch mode example

Interactive mode

Related tasks

  • Administer certificate authority clients
  • Configure certificate authority client objects
  • Set a certificate authority certificate as the default certificate