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Intelligent Management: default work class administrative tasks

We can use the default work class administrative tasks to create work classes.

The administrative tasks for default work classes include the following commands:


The createDefaultASPWorkClass command creates default application service policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the application deployment. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The createDefaultARPWorkClass command creates default application routing policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the application deployment. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The createDefaultGSPWorkClass command creates default generic server service policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR). (String, required)


Name of the node where the ODR runs. (String, required)


Name of the virtual host. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The createDefaultGRPWorkClass command creates default generic server routing policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the on demand router (ODR). (String, required)


Name of the node where the ODR runs. (String, required)


Name of the virtual host. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The createDefaultSystemSPWorkClass command creates default system application service policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the application deployment. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode


The createDefaultSystemRPWorkClass command creates default system application routing policy work classes.

Required parameters


Name of the application deployment. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Batch mode example

Interactive mode

Related concepts

  • Overview of work classes
  • Work class types