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unlinkCells|unlinkCellsZOS script

We can use unlinkCells script to disable the overlay communication between multiple cells. On z/OS systems, use unlinkCellsZOS.


(dist) Use the unlinkCells script to disable communication between Intelligent Management cells that were previously linked using the linkCells|linkCellsZOS script. After you run the unlinkCells script, the on demand router (ODR) no longer routes work requests to the unlinked cell.

(zos)(WAS v8.5.0.1)

On z/OS systems use unlinkCellsZOS.


(dist) The unlinkCells script is located in the app_server_root/bin directory.

(zos)(WAS v8.5.0.1)

The unlinkCellsZOS script is located in the app_server_root/bin directory.


(dist) Run the unlinkCells script from the center cell to unlink the center cell from a point cell.

(zos)(WAS v8.5.0.1)

Run the unlinkCellsZOS script from the center cell to unlink the center cell from a point cell.


Consider a scenario in which there are two security-enable cells, center and point1, that were previously linked together using the linkCells.sh|.bat script. For the center cell, the host name of the deployment manager is centerHost, the SOAP port is 8879, the user name is centerUID, and the password is centerPWD. For the point cell, the host name of the deployment manager is point1Host, the SOAP port is 8880, the user name is point1UID, and the password is point1PWD. The following example illustrates how to unlink the center and point1 cells.

Related tasks

  • Configure multi-cell performance management: Star Topology
  • Manually disabling communication between multiple cells

  • linkCells|linkCellsZOS script
  • importOverlayConfig.py script