Intelligent Management: request classification operators
Intelligent Management supports operators in the rules expressions. These operators are also referred to as predicates in Structured Query Language (SQL) terminology because they appear inside of a WHERE or HAVING clause. Operators are case insensitive.
Operator Description OR The logical OR operator. AND The logical AND operator. NOT The negation operator. IN Expresses an operand with multiple values in a single expression. Its meaning is consistent with the SQL standard meaning of the operator. For example, to express that the port value could be any or all of the values such as 9080, 9090, 9091, use the expression fragment:
port IN (9080,9090,9091)
In SQL, how the values inside the parenthesis are expressed depends on the data type of port. If the port is an integer, the values without the single quotation marks are syntactically correct. If the port is a string, the correct expression is:
port IN ('9080','9090','9091')
LIKE Expresses pattern matching for string operand values. The value must contain the wildcard character (%) in the position where the pattern matching is expected to start.
For example, the expression:
host LIKE %blanca
matches the word blanca and any other word that ends in blanca, while the expression:
host LIKE %blanca
matches the word blanca and any other word that starts with blanca. The expression:
host LIKE %blanca
matches the word blanca and any word that has the token blanca imbedded in it.
From a code implementation viewpoint, the java.util.regex.Pattern class is used.
= The equality operator expresses a match in a case-sensitive fashion. > Greater-than operator for use with numeric operands. >= Greater-than or equal operator for use with numeric operands. < Less-than operator for use with numeric operands. <= Less-than or equal operator for use with numeric operands. <> Not equal operator. BETWEEN Used with AND to select a range of values inclusive of the first (low) value and the last (high) value. Together, they operate on numbers and dates values. IS NULL Tests for an operand having a NULL value. IS NOT NULL Tests for an operand having a value other than NULL.
Related concepts
Rule-based request classification Work class types
Related tasks
Define a service policy Set maintenance mode Activating concurrent application editions Validating an edition
Intelligent Management: subexpression builder operands
Related information:
Intelligent Management: rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks Intelligent Management: rules for ODR service policy administrative tasks